2024 Yearbook
The dates next to some of the items represents the date in which I finished the book, movie or course. This is a continuation of my 2023 yearbook. See the 2023 yearbook Books Podcasts Youtube channels Newsletters
2023 Yearbook
The dates next to some of the items represents the date in which I finished the book, movie or course. This is a continuation of my 2022 yearbook. See the 2022 yearbook Books Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck - 06.01.2023 Javascript: The good parts by Douglas Crockford - 13.04.2023 Refactoring UI by Adam Whatan & Steve Schroger 18.06.2023 Engineering management for the rest of us by Sarah Drasner - 27.08.2023 Podcasts Lex Friedman - Podcast by Lex Friedman - 01.01.2023 The Wild Project by Jordi Wild - 01.01.2023 Huberman Lab by Andrew Huberman - 18.01.2023 Youtube channels Zack Star by Zach Start Quanta Magazine by Quanta Magazine Newsletters TL;DR by Dan Ni The Neuron Daily by Pete Frontend focus by Cooperpress JAMStacked by Cooperpress

My Notes on Grooking Algorithms
The book comes with code samples using python, I did my best to rewrite most of them using golang. Some of the most complex exercises deserve its own article and I will try to do so. If you find the notes interesting, you should consider getting a copy of the book. 鈿狅笍 This is a work in progress, you can expect the article to grow. Chapter 1 - Introduction An algorith is a set of instructions for accomplishing a task. Every piece of code could be called an algorithm. ...
2022 Yearbook
The list includes things that I consider important enough to require me to update the page. 馃槄. The dates next to some of the items represents the date in which I finished the book, movie or course. Books Atomic Habits by James Clear - 30.01.2022 Grooking Algorithms by Aditya Y. Bahrgava via Manning - 13.03.2022 Math with Bad Drawings by Ben Orlin - 20.05.2022 Change is the only constant by Ben Orlin - 12.07.2022 The Math Book by Cliford A. Pickover - 22.09.2022 Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell - 08.12.2022 Podcasts Go Time Podcast by Changelog Media The Changelog by Changelog Media Pivot by The New York Magazine Ardan Labs Podcast by Ardan Labs Youtube Channels Coldfusion by Dagogo Altraide Bloomberg Quicktake by Bloomberg L.P. .cult by Honeypot - .cult dedicated website NoClip by NoClip TV Ardan Labs by Ardab Labs Newsletters Chunchbase daily by Crunchbase Golang Weekly by Cooperpress Laravel newsletter by Laravel news Stitcher.io by Brent GD